Restorative Dentistry –Milton, ON
Treating Your Damaged or Decayed Teeth
Damaged teeth can make eating and speaking more difficult, and given enough time they can potentially lead to even larger problems. Our team at Milton Family Dentistry is ready to help rebuild your smile with fully customized dental crowns and lifelike tooth-colored fillings. We also offer root canal treatment for badly infected teeth and tooth extractions for teeth that are beyond saving. Get in touch with us if you have suffered from some form of dental damage and are interested in learning more.
Why Choose Milton Family Dentistry for Restorative Dentistry?
- Crowns Made from High-Quality Materials
- Beautiful, Natural-Looking Results
- Convenient Evening and Saturday Hours
Tooth-Colored Fillings

If you have a cavity, we can stop it from growing worse by placing a tooth-colored filling. First, we will remove the decayed parts of the tooth. Then the space will be filled with composite resin – a biocompatible material that’s notable for its ability to match the appearance of enamel. Once the resin has been hardened in place, it can help keep out harmful bacteria that could potentially cause infections or further damage.
Dental Crowns

Even if a tooth has suffered from severe damage or extensive decay, it may still be possible to save it with a personalized dental crown. This type of restoration can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, EMAX, and zirconia. Once your crown is ready, it can be securely attached to your tooth, strengthening it and offering it protection against further harm. As long as you take care of them, dental crowns can be trusted to last a long time.
Root Canal Treatment

There are several possible causes for tooth pain, but oftentimes the issue lies with an infection of the pulp. If you don’t want to lose your tooth entirely, the best option may be to have root canal treatment performed. There’s no need to be frightened of this procedure, as it is often the key to putting a stop to pain caused by your dental infection. On top of that, we’ll do everything we can to keep you comfortable while the treatment is being performed.
Tooth Extractions

We prefer to save natural teeth whenever we can, but there are circumstances where a tooth extraction may be needed. We will save this form of treatment as a last resort, and you can count on us to put your safety and comfort first while the procedure is being carried out. Furthermore, once your mouth has finished healing, we can help you figure out the best method for filling in the gap so that you aren’t left with an incomplete smile.
Dental Implants

When teeth are missing, it may be possible to replace them with dental implants. These are durable titanium posts that can fuse with your jawbone. This not only gives them more stability than other forms of tooth replacement, but it also allows them to act as replacement tooth roots. We can attach a crown, bridge, or denture to your dental implants in order to re-complete your smile in a way that looks and feels natural. Reach out to us if you’re interested in scheduling a dental implant consultation at our practice.